Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Peanut Butter!

Today, we spoke about George Washington Carver and the many things he did with peanut butter.  Here is a recipe that simple and fun. 

Look back at the recipe to answer these questions correctly.

1.           How many cups of peanuts do you need for this recipe? ___

2.         After you roast the peanuts what is the first thing you need to do?
a.  Put them into the oven.
b.  Pour them into the food processor.
c.  Let them cool.
d.  Add oil.

3.         Before you can eat the peanut butter, you have to let it set.  How long does the peanut butter take to set?
a.  1 hour
b.  2 minutes
c.  16 hours
d.  A day or two

4.         Why is homemade peanut butter healthier than the one you buy at the store?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sojourner Truth

Watch the video we watched in class about Sojourner Truth.
Video of Truth's Speech

After you watch it, see how well you do on the crossword.
Interactive Crossword Puzzle

Sojourner Truth realized that she was being discriminated against because she was Black and because she was a woman.  What does discriminate mean?